Get Your Free Candle or Warmer @ Summer Flea Market!
Summertime is here!
Celebrate the start of GSS with us at our Summer Flea Market happening at our Vivocity Outlet, #02-154 this Sun, 2nd June 2019.
What’s a flea market you may ask… we’ve come prepared! Head over to our previous Spring Flea Market post if this is the first time you’ve heard of our Flea Market events.This Sunday, you’ll get to enjoy special event-only $50 or 50% OFF deals that you won't want to miss. As it's also our 50th Anniversary this year, we'll also be giving out mint condition limited edition 50th Anniversary Returning Fragrances to eligible customers, they're so pretty you won't bear to light them. Trust us.
And as always, we'll have a wide variety of fit-for-use but not fit-for-sale items available to be brought back to a warm and loving home for every eligible customer.
Eligible customers refers to customers who have spent $200 & more within the last 12 months (30th May 2019 till 2nd June 2019). Which means, if you’re close to reaching the $200 mark, just get your favourite staples from now till Sunday and you can receive 1 FREE item from us during the event!
To check your eligibility, just drop us an FB Direct Message or Email!
For more FAQs & T&Cs, head over to our event page here and you can find them under the “Details” section of the event.
Now… for the star of the show… our FULL List of FREE Items up for grabs this Sunday!
Are you all pumped up now? Cause, we definitely are! See you this Sunday!
Know someone who is dying to get their hands on this piece of info? Share it with them!
Follow our social media channels regularly and you'll be updated on all our special deals!
EMAIL: customercaresg@puresenses.co
FB: Yankee Candle Singapore
IG: @yankeecandlesg
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